Does she like you?

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There are many people with the problem of does she like me? Does she know i exist ? Well take this quiz. It is 100% accurate! So you have no doubts if to mek your move or not :)

If you got 100% make sure to give her some dpace dont make her feel like she has to soend all of her time with you. Be jelaus but not all the time Girls like it when a guy is jeleaus but not when they are all the time ;)

Created by: Pepe el Toro

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does she have dificulties to talk while she is talking to you?
  2. Does she look at you in the eyes while talking?
  3. Have you catched her starring at you?
  4. Has she compliement you?
  5. Does she laugh when you are around?
  6. Has she talked about other girls in a bad way when you say theyre cute?
  7. Does she text you?
  8. When she is sad do u help her out ?
  9. Have you ever been mean to her
  10. When you do aomething stupid does she get mad?

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