does she like me ???guys only

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Many people struggle to get hints from a girl if she .Like you or not but because. Of this quiz you. Get to know the fact and straight facts ...enjoy ok

Not all girls are the same ..some show there emotions in different way .so you may not know if she like you or not..whatever results you get is the truth just accept it.

Created by: ngeje

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does she hangout around you a lot ?
  2. Does she flirt ?
  3. Does she stare at you ?
  4. Is she your friend?
  5. Will you like this quiz?
  6. Will you like this quiz?
  7. Do you feel like she follows you?
  8. Have she ever asked you your number ?
  9. Does she act different around you?
  10. Did you like this quiz ?
  11. Last question why did you take this quiz?

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