does she like me?

There are many fish in the sea,but do you think you caght one? If so, check out this awesome quiz. If not,wait and see what you can find!I hope you like this great quiz!

Does SHE like you? Does she have the charms to have your precious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! Good luck!!

Created by: kellymaeshort

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does she smile at you?
  2. What does she say when you see her?
  3. Has it ever been akward between you two?
  4. Does she stare at you?
  5. Does she ever get jealous of you when you are with other girls?
  6. Does she try to be close to you any?
  7. Is she pretty?
  8. Does she get happy when you two are partners in class?
  9. What group is she in?
  10. Do you like her?

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