Does S/he Like You?

Do they like you? Find out. In love, what. What is love, yay, I love you. Am I done yet. I bet they love you. Stalker. Wooooo! AHHHHH! It has 2 be long enough! Typoe type typoe!

Take my quiz to find out if they love you. I bet they do!. YAYA LOVE! Lov llove lvoe lvoe loev lovoe . Love lvoe lvoe makes the wold go round! What what... Ist long enough it has to be SAHHHH!

Created by: Scarlett
  1. Does He/She know you like them?
  2. Do they smile at you.
  3. Do they look (STARE) at you when you not looking?
  4. Do they know you?
  5. You do like them right?
  6. Is this quiz awesome or what?
  7. Hey ru happy right now?
  8. Sex?
  9. IS the sky blue?
  10. Where are you?
  11. Yay we're done

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