Does My Crush Like Me? HELP!

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Are u good with relationships? Well idk if I am probably yes but idk. ! Lol well here's a challenge for u ! My relationship with someone is very complicated he is my crush. I am sorry but the questions are long but plz help me I'm desperate!

So u wanna help me? Thank you so much. This is my first quiz hopefully its good :D well sorry for the spelling its quicker for me. So ready to take the quiz? Ok. Well then... READY... SET... GO!!!

Created by: Hello
  1. Does it mean anything if my crush ... Stares at me a lot but thinks I'm a stalker 0-o sad I know?
  2. My friends asked him out... Hehe 3times for me and well he said no to all still a chance left?
  3. He teases me hardly but did once but last time I talked to him (I hardly do cause I'm shy whenever I like someone) he said it was awkward to my friend does e like me?
  4. Well I'm in band and I changed to tenor saxophone (I was alto) later like weeks when I finally got used to it YAY he said out loud he might also do tenor saxophone Does this mean anything.
  5. I had a crush on 2 of his closest friends who tuned me down (well one of them was always dating some1 else so yea probably a player) Well and I sometimes did crazy stuff hehe... (I'm sooo stupid) 1 I gave him a love note thing asking him go out w/me (answer of course was no) 2 I stare at him a lot (but he is so HOT) 3 I wrote on a table saying I think he's hot and one of his friends saw and told him 4 People gave me/him mostly me a nickname of our names combined -.- he got confused soooo Are does signs a positive does he like me?
  6. Well at my second dance I requested a song called Romeo and Juliet by Taylor Swift and I put his name but not mine well he heard it and after a song or 2 I went to cafeteria then back and before I opened the door (or even touch it) he went in front of me and opened the door also wide enough for time I could hold the door for me Sooooo he like me or not.
  7. So here's a little story which is true it was 4th or 2nd six weeks of school and it was gym we have to run (which gym doesn't) sometimes I told a guy I wanted to beat my crush in running (the guy was one of his friends he's popular btw) so the next days I beat him in running all the time by 1-4 laps XD so one day I was like almost next to one of his friends who was also next to him (confusing I know) His friend said this exactly "Lets not do it this time" right after he looked at me and back at him Then they sped up and last 6weeks we ran miles and all three times I beat him which I never did in a mile 2 of them probably because he was on track and had a track competition those night. But one of them I was barely beating him he was 2-3ft. Behind me Does he like me is this a yes ?
  8. (I am so sorry how long these r) Ok well in gym again early back he bent over to tie his shoe which was already tied (what my friend said) and he was right behind me and in the mile in 6th weeks he sprained his hand (I think that's the word) well I was behind him to tired to go ahead I was walking cause my side hurt he went to the side and re-tied his shoe and looked at me for short moment well that was my chance so I ran in front and didn't stop either it took him a long time to tie his shoe cause he sprained it or he let me in front (I did not know if his shoe was already tied and he pretended or it came loose)
  9. (well here is the most painful part of the story) After gym (still 6th 6weeks of school) I was talking bout him and I found out he was dating a girl he asked out but only on that day (I started to cry on the bus cause I was so sad) on the next day he broke up w/her (then his friend told him he's a player in a joking way didn't know if he meant it) then few days later I was back to normal happy and relieved then in math (I'm in the highest math class :D that's how smart I am ) I was sitting in a group of four desks cause I had to (teachers assigns our seats) then my crush came over to his friend sitting next to me and ask if he should go out with her (I forgot the name he said I don't really wanna know either but it surely wasn't my name)
  10. One of my friends who was in track says he asks about me like If I talk about him and what we talked about she answered yes and he started to smile.
  11. One of my friends on track asked me out loud if I wanted a pic of him in track (cause he was wearing short shorts) he heard her and I said no w/a weirded out face cause I knew he heard he told her he heard her ask that still a chance.
  12. My friend who is good in relationships says I should move on cause 1 she thinks he doesn't like me 2 he's stuck up (he is but idc) 3 he's a jerk Well idk if I should I tried but its to hard and I don't think he's a jerk well maybe sometimes idk what do u think.
  13. Last question will u comment on how my quiz was (this is my first quiz) and if u want give me advice I'm only 12 and don't tell me u gotta focus on school blah blah blah (I made straight A's even when I think about my crush almost 24/7)
  14. Oh so sorry one last question! The whole school pretty much knows I like him and tease us about it and some say we would make a cute couple and some ask him why he doesn't like me he says he just doesn't and then on of my friends who r neighbors w/him (lucky) asked him and he says cause I stalk him as in meaning I look at him a lot so still a chance?

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