Does kirishima like you

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This quiz will tell you if kirishima likes you so how’s your day?anyway thanks for clicking on this quiz and uh yeah thanks <3 🙏 anyway you like weirdcore?

Oh well I do anyway here’s the the Alphabet in case you forgot abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz anyway this has to be 150 characters long so nevermind ✿ uh

Created by: CatsAreCool
  1. You like rocks? 🗿
  2. Uh would you like to be friends with kirishima <3
  3. Would you DATE HIM?😳
  4. Okay kirishima gives you a hug for no reason You..
  5. Damn girl
  6. When makes a joke a dad joke?
  7. Ok so kirishima is crying You..
  8. Regret
  9. Favorite anime?
  10. Ugh I have to have 10 questions so uh

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