Does kirishima,bakugou or Mina like you?

Hello so uhm I did this for no reasons and uhm you look nice today what’s your fav aesthetic I like weirdcore I also I sleep in jeans not like half an hour no like all NIGHT

Anyway how are you look up Rick roll and yeah anyway do you know what RayRayTv is? Oh no I’m stuck in a fornite storm better bandage up Omg do y’all remember Malia Bauer’s? 😭yeah me neither

Created by: Katsarecool
  1. What color do you like?
  2. Okay which character would you prefer dating?(No affect)
  3. Okay so uh this will affect your score for no reason 🥰
  4. Who would you live with?
  5. Kirishima asks you to go on a walk with him you..
  6. You hear Mina talking with her friends and she says she likes you you...
  7. Your yelling at bakugou and he somehow starts to cry
  8. Okay these are just random questions
  9. Why are we still here..
  10. Did you like my test :D

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