Does king Aragorn like you

Aragorn is brave,hansom,and smart that must be why lots of people love him this is a quiz to see if king Aragorn is your soul mate hope this quiz is for you good luck!!!!!😆☺

Are you an Aragorn lover?do you know alot about him? are you worthy of his awesomeness?if you answered yes to these questions then you should take this Aragorn love quiz to test your knowelg

Created by: Isarrel Greenleaf
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your weapon of choice?
  2. What would you say if you saw Aragorn with another girl what would you say or do???
  3. What food is your favourite
  4. Would you like to be Aragorn's queen?
  5. If Aragorn kissed you you would???
  6. Ok this has nothing to do with the answer it is just to see how well you know Aragorn.☺😆 Aragorn is king of...??
  7. Aragorn is son of?
  8. This has no effect on the answer but do you want me to make more quizzes like these
  9. If you and Aragorn got married where is the first place you would go?
  10. Which one one of the fellowship members besides Aragorn is you favourite

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