Does Jack Frost Like,Love,or hate you??

Me:Bye I hope you liked my quiz!!! If you didn't then I understand it's only my second one Jack:Hey Snowflake I enjoyed talking!!! But if you are that jerk then I hate you!!! Me:Jack!!! Jack:What

Me: Anyway bye if you didn't get The result you wanted then retake the quiz and see if you can do better!!! Jack is still deciding right now but I hope you gat the one you wanted!!! Jack:I... Me:SHHHH

Created by: Jessie Holland
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You:w-where am I?? Me:calm down your just taking a quiz You:what..quiz Me:Jack!! Get in here!!! Jack:*coming trough the window*Oh it's already time to start *turns and faces you*Hey
  2. Me:ok let's start the quiz...wait...Tooth!!!North!!!Sandy!!!Kagaroo! Get in here!! Bunny:I'm a rabbit Me:what ever Tooth! You first! Tooth:What do you think of Jessie's teeth
  3. Jack:North your up! North:*steps forward* What's your favorite Holliday Me:good one North:Thanks *steps back* Jack:when is it my turn Me:Wait Frost wait
  4. Sandy:*scribbles on piece of paper* do you like the dreams I give you Me:oh Sandy *blows him a kiss* Sandy:*blushs* Jack:*gives an anoyed look*
  5. Jack: Kangaroo!!! You go Bunny:Rabbit Jack:what ever Bunny:What do think of Me and Jacks arguments Me:*rolls eyes*
  6. Me: Freebie!!! Who is your favorite!! All guardians:*smile*
  7. Me:No question this time
  8. Jack:Your a kangaroo!!! What else could you be!!! Bunny:A rabbit maybe!!! Ever think of that!!! Jack:*turns to you*what do you think
  9. Me:Now that that's over do you want to continue to the last question Jack:YES!! My question!!!!
  10. Me:Ok Jack it's your turn Jack:Finally!!! Ok....what's at your center North:great question Tooth:nods head in agreement
  11. Me:well that's the end I hope you enjoyed it Jack:bye Tooth:Floss!! Don't forget to floss Bunny:do you have to go North:Fare well Sandy:*scribbles on piece of paper*goodbye

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