does he/she love you!!!

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this quiz is asking you a little of your love life to see if you are really made for each other... you may think the questions dont really matter but wait for your true outcome guys...

hope you enjoy it and please be truthfull because the outcome is the one you want to read... relationships are hard and very confusing but if you really love that special one then work hard at it xxxxxx

Created by: kelly marie newman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. does he/she always flirt with others. and forget about you??
  2. is you or your partner voilent and non,caring???
  3. do you go out together alot, or stay at home??
  4. do you make love alot?? and are you loved up after??
  5. does he/she talk about you all the time??
  6. do you both work?? and see alot each other??
  7. does he/she hold your hand and kiss you in public??
  8. do you live together??
  9. is there an age gap between you both??
  10. do you both want kids together??

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