does he miss u?

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does your ex boyfriend miss you after you two broke up? do you miss him but are you afraid to go up to him and tell him how you feel in case he does not feel the same way about you?

take this quiz and find out how your ex really feels about you! find out what are the chances of you getting back together based on how much he misses you.

Created by: nora
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. does he look at you very often?
  2. do you talk to each other often?
  3. does he get jelous when you talk to other guys?
  4. does he talk about you
  5. how long have you been in a reaktionship you broke up?
  6. how long were you friends before you got together?
  7. do you have any friends or family that he dont like?
  8. do you miss him?
  9. if he asked you to get back together, what would you say?
  10. do you ever talk about getting back together

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