Does he love you?

If he doesn't know your name it is a huge problem! People! if you don't really care then don't take this quiz! ** Good job and i need to fill up this dumb thig cuz it wont let me do this without a certain amount or letters! it stinks but okkkkk

Try harder everyone who got under 64! you need to step it up!* Yay you got through the quiz! This quiz is a poopstain! i know none of it is true anyways lolol

Created by: lydia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many times a day do you see him?
  2. Where do you see him at?(where are you and him at the same place)
  3. If he is on AOL( myspace, Msn, Yahoo e.x.) who says hi first?
  4. Does he ask if you are alright if you hurt yourself?
  5. How do you feel about him?
  6. Is he dating someone?
  7. Are You Friends?
  8. Personality or looks?
  9. Does he know your Personal information (like Pets names, middle name e.x.)
  10. Does he even know your name?

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