Does he likes you?

There are many guys who flirt with you and look at you and you are wondering if he likes you! Don´t worry because in this quiz I will try to tell you if he likes you or not.

Find out if he really likes you! In this quiz you find out if the guy you are crushing likes you or you still need a little more time ro get to know him better

Created by: Sydney Stewart
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he talk to you?
  2. Does he stares at you?
  3. Is he mean to you?
  4. Do you think he tries to make you feel jealous?
  5. Does he likes to bother you?
  6. Has he ever tried to to make you laugh?
  7. Has he ever ignored you?
  8. Has he ever make fun of you?
  9. Do you think he trusts you?
  10. Does he smiles at you?

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