Does he like you ( teen girlies only!)

Hi guys I’m here for all the teen girls that don’t know if their (supposubly) perfect man likes them back all you have to do is take this quiz to find out!

Helllllloooooo gooooooodddddddddddddbbbbbyyyyeeeee Btw I’m just doing this to fill the 150 letter limit sooooooooooo iiiii ammmmmmm veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyy sorrry

Created by: Ruuuuubbbbsssaa
  1. Right let’s start with the boys name pick the box with the first letter of his name in it
  2. How many friends have u got??
  3. Describe how his personality combines with yours
  4. What do you like to do In your spare time?
  5. Are you good or bad at maths??
  6. Does he talk to you in a friendly way?
  7. How long is your hair??
  8. Do you have any siblings
  9. How many siblings?
  10. How tall his he?? Roughly

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