Does He Like You? Take This Quiz To Find Out! (GIRLS ONLY!)

HI! Welcome to my Does He Like You quiz! There's hot chocolate, croissants, and warm fuzzy blankets so enjoy yourself! (jus kidding I got quite the jokes.)

After you get your results, comment down result and what you think of this quiz. Also, I could really use some help with you rating this quiz when you get your results! ENJOY!

Created by: Sarai WHitley
  1. Hi! Welcome to my quiz! Now, how long has he known you?
  2. Both of you are walking together and you fall down, what does he do?
  3. When you guys talk, what does he talk about?
  4. Someone picks on you he comes in. What does he do?
  5. If you and him text or call each other, who does it first?
  6. When he's around, does he act shy or nervous?
  7. Do your friends tell you that he likes you or has a crush on you?
  8. Ok, let's get to the point. Do YOU think he likes you?
  9. Do you like him? (I won't tell anyone)
  10. Do you already have a crush?
  11. If you already have a crush, does he know about it?
  12. If you have a crush and he knows about, is he jealous?
  13. WHy are you taking this quiz?
  14. Last question. Are you ready to see your answers?

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