does he like you quiz

this quiz tells you if the boy or man you want is the right one for you!!!!!!sooo come to an vary acurate quiz so come on yo know you want toooo :D

this quiz tells you if the boy or man you want is the right one for you !!!!!! sooo come to an vary acurate quiz so come on yo know you want toooo :D

Created by: daisy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. he says________when he first sees you
  2. why do you like him(just wondering)
  3. does he ever hold your hand or try to toutch you not in a bad way or go back to back
  4. did he almost kiss you
  5. has your crush ever tried to make you laugh in any way
  6. does he ever blush when talking to you
  7. he is
  8. does he smell good around you
  9. does he smile at you often, and laugh at your lame-o jokes
  10. does he sometimes act strange to get your attention

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