Does he like you? Girls only

Do you think he likes you or are you not sure? this quiz is for girls only sorry boys! Find out if he is into you or not and take the does he like you quiz!

Is he interested? will he ask you out? or are you just friends?You will need to know a few taylor swift songs for one question but if you dont just pick one. in a few minutes you will find out when you take the does he like me quiz!

Created by: K.K.crazay

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you ever see him looking at you?
  2. How often do you talk to him?
  3. Do you share the same interests?
  4. Does he tease you or flirt with you?
  5. Is he nice to you?
  6. Can you be yourself around him and can he be himself around you?
  7. Which taylor swift song describes how you feel about him?
  8. Can you see yourself with him?
  9. Does he try to make you laugh?
  10. How long have you known him?
  11. Do you think he likes you? Be honest!

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