Does he like you? Girls only!

Love, such a short yet powerful word. But it is so hard to find true love. This quiz will hopefully help you find out if HE is the one. And please remember this is my first quiz so if something seems funny tell me!

Now about the quiz, basically I am gonna tell you if he is the one. I ask these exact questions to my friends and I tell them pretty much the same thing to them as I do to you. They call me "Caity the love queen!" ok not really but, I do ask them this and am most of the time correct. So, ya. Enough of my babbling and on with the quiz!

Created by: Caity

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does he have a girlfriend?
  2. If his girlfriend is you, do you two hang out a lot?Does he ever complain about hanging out?
  3. If his girlfriend isn't you, does he hang out with her in front of you? Does he talk about her a lot?
  4. If he doesn't have a girlfriend, does he act nervous around you? Does he ever want to hang out with you?
  5. Do you like him? (no effect)
  6. Do you think he likes you? (Again no effect.)
  7. Is he nice? Does he give you a 'special treatment?'
  8. Does he seem to act himself around you?does he seem to feel comftorable?
  9. Does he ever look at other girls to try to make you jealous?
  10. Ok last question! Are you ready to find out if he loves you?

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