Does he like you for you??
There are ALOT of dudes out there. If you ever get the right one you spend the rest of your life with, well your a lucky son of a ducker. I wish you the best of luck with your new honey! But if your one of those people who just cant seem to find THE one.. you are soo not alone! I bet that guy for you is just waiting for you. Maybe he's just waiting, or maybe he's going through girls like a teenaged guy goes through socks?? haha i dont know. He, TOO, is trying to find you, the ONE! Go get 'em girls! and good luck!
Does HE like YOU?! Do you have a hunch but are still not sure? My quiz will hopefully give you a push to help find out. Oh and Dont forget to really think about these questions, ok? Get it? Got it? Good!