Does he like you? For 12 year olds (made by one, too!)

Always wanted to know if he likes you back? This is the quiz for you, especially if you’re having trouble finding one for your age group. I am 12, so I can relate to common events.

I tried to make this quiz short and sweet, because I don’t want to waste your time and you deserve PREMIUM quizzes. I hope you find this quiz useful! (also, you probably don’t even read these)

Created by: Queen Banina
  1. How does he start conversations with you?
  2. What is his reaction if you accidentally bump into him?
  3. Does he have another crush?
  4. Does he look at you?
  5. What’s his reaction when you two are having a conversation?
  6. Do you describe yourself as cute?
  7. What is your friend group?
  8. Do you think you are perfect?
  9. Do you wear makeup?
  10. Finally; Does he ever blush around you?

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