Does he like you? (find out here)

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It's a fact that at least 5 people find you attractive in the entire world. But does THAT ONE person find you attractive? This quiz will help you find out!

Please be really honest while taking this quiz because your answers are going to affect on the result you get. Hope you enjoy this quiz. Good luck! :)

Created by: Katty
  1. Do you ever catch him staring at you?
  2. Does he smile when you're around him?
  3. Does he often follow you and go wherever you go?
  4. Do you think he wants to talk to you but he's too shy?
  5. Does he ever try to get physically close to you?
  6. Has he ever tried to protect you?
  7. Does he get jealous when other guys are close to you?
  8. Do his friends know you?
  9. Does he ignore you on purpose?
  10. And finally, do you think he likes you?

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