Does he like you? by Miss Pillay

I made this quiz because I thought it would be very interesting to make and it was!This quiz is to show you if your crush likes you back! I think these quizes are very usefull to a lot of girls!

This quiz is for girls only!! Do you think your crush likes you back??? Are you sure that he likes you back or does he just like you as a friend? This quiz will determine how he feels about you!

Created by: Miss Pillay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he ever stare at you?
  2. Do your'll talk?(Text or in person)
  3. Who starts the converstation?( If you said yes to the last question)
  4. Does he ever smile or blush when his around you?
  5. Does he ever compliment you?
  6. Are his friends your friends too?
  7. Do you think he likes you?
  8. How long have you liked him?(Doesn't have an affect)
  9. Does he try to cheer you up when you sad?
  10. Thanks for taking my quiz!

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