Does he like you back?

My quiz will make you step up & ask him out ! It did for me even though this isn't that type of quiz ! I hope it works for you because now , Im soo happy !!

So will YOU take this quiz & finish quizified ? even though its not even a real word ! I hope so : ) good luck & if it's a NO , try anyways ! He will one day : )

Created by: Madysonn
  1. Does he bother you just to talk to you?
  2. Do you think he likes you?
  3. Does he touch you or talk to your friends about you just to learn things about you?
  4. Does he ask you to play games with him or says ' wanna hang out sometimes ? '
  5. Is he younger than you?
  6. Does he try to impress you ?
  7. Does he protect you?
  8. Is he nice to you ?
  9. Does he stare at you?
  10. Has he asked you out?

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