Does He Like You Back?

There are many people out there that think their crush likes them. Do they really? Well, they can take my quiz and find out! Good luck!!!!!!!!! :) Hope you get the results you are looking for

Are you one of those kids or teens that thinks your crush likes you? If so, do you know for sure if they do? If not, take my quiz and find out. This quiz is sure to give you the results you are looking for. Good luck!

Created by: Kaylyn Miller

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  1. How many classes do you have with him?
  2. Do you have his number? If so, do you talk, text, or both?
  3. Do you call or text him first or does he call or text you first?
  4. How often do you guys talk?
  5. What do you guys talk about?
  6. What is his name?
  7. If you call him first and he answers his phone, what does he say?
  8. Does he stare at you?
  9. Does he ride your bus?
  10. Does he go to your school?
  11. How often do you guys hang out?
  12. Does he ever try to get your attention? If so, how?
  13. Have you guys ever dated?
  14. If you guys did date and you broke up, why? ( If you two didn't break up, skip this question! )
  15. Do you think he likes you?
  16. Do your friends come up to you and tell you that he likes you?
  17. If you and him have classes together and you are already in class sitting down and he comes in after you, does he come and sit by you?
  18. If you two are sitting by each other in class, what does he do?
  19. If you two are sitting by each other in class, what do YOU do?
  20. Last question. If he rides your bus, does he sit with you on the bus?

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