Does he like you?

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We all wonder if that guy likes us? Whether he be our boyfriend some guy at our school or a best friend. (Yikes!) take this quiz to find out. Good luck

This quiz will tell you if you're just dreaming or if he likes you! Honestly you're opinion is the best. I can only do my best telling you by these questions! Btw, I took the quiz and scored a 79% and I am positive he likes me.

Created by: Elizabeth
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you guys talk?
  2. Do you approach him or does he approach you?
  3. Do you think he likes you? Honest
  4. How long does it take for him to respond to a text or call?
  5. Does he compliment you?
  6. His personality?
  7. How does he act around you?
  8. Does he seem fully into the conversation?
  9. Do you catch him looking at you?
  10. Do you catch him looking at you?
  11. Does he have a girlfriend
  12. How much do you know about him?
  13. How much does he know about you?
  14. Is he interested in someone else?
  15. Has someone said that he likes you?

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