does he like you?

There are many guys in the world. Some are totaljerks, and some know how to treat their girl. This quizis for girls only, so don't take if ur a guy...

So do u think he likes u? Take my quiz, and find out ur self. There's ur answer on the other side of this quiz for your results... ( I know it sounds boring, but its my first quiz so plzleave any feed back in the comments, thanks 😃)

Created by: MRBanana16
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he ever try to make u laugh?
  2. Does he stare a lot?
  3. Does he ever try to impress u?
  4. Does he have a girlfriend?
  5. Is he...
  6. Does he know what u like?
  7. What type of relationship is he in with u?
  8. Have u guys ever...
  9. Have u two ever play fight?
  10. Has anyone ever told u he likes u? Who?
  11. u think he likes u?
  12. Does he ever act weird around u?
  13. u think he likes u?
  14. Does he act weird around u?

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