Does He Like You?

This is to see if he likes you. Some people just don't know. They need that little bit of help to see if there sure if he does like them. You don't want to embrass your self. BE YOURSELF THOUGH.

Does he like you? Are you two meant to be ? Take this quiz and find out . If you don't get 100% don't worry all you need is TALK TALK TALK OR SMILE WAVE SMILE BE YOURSELF THOUGH?

Created by: elora
  1. Are you around him ?
  2. Does he start talking to you first?
  3. Does he text you ?
  4. Does he know you well ?
  5. Does he talk to you about his life ?
  6. Are you friends?
  7. Does he talk to you around his friends?
  8. Does he flirt with you like a smile or a cheeky wink or a wave ?
  9. Does he sometimes blanck you for nothing ?
  10. Does he show of around you ?
  11. Do you like the same things ?
  12. If your best friend started dating him what would you do ?

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