Does he like you?!?

Do you have that one guy who you just hope and hope will love you someday? Do you ever wonder if maybe he DOES like you? Well, this quiz can help you to uncover the clues of this mystery!

This quiz is just for fun. There is absolutely no definite answer. Boys are extremely unpredictable. You can never be sure what is in their head. Your best bet is to confront them if you have suspicions.

Created by: Logan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your crush ever find reasons to talk to you? Such as asking homework questions, coming to your locker, sitting with you at lunch, etc.
  2. Has he ever tried to touch you? "Accidentally" touch your hand, tap your shoulder, bump in to you in the hallway.
  3. Does your crush talk/stare at other girls? πŸ‘―
  4. Does he know you like him? πŸ‘±πŸ‘¦πŸ‘«πŸ’‘
  5. Does he call you by your name like "hey, (Your Name), do you..."?
  6. Has he asked for your phone number or snapchat? (Any communication really)
  7. Is he taller or shorter than you (no effect)?
  8. Does he enjoy the same music as you? (No effect again)
  9. Do his friends ever give him a funny look when you're around.
  10. Last question!!! Have you ever listened to Panic! At the Disco? If not, you should. It's my favorite band.

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