Does he like you?

You may think you like a guy but does that mean he likes you back? Well in this quiz you canndiscover if he likes you and if you are readybto take the next step in your relationship.

Do you know if your dream guy likes you? Are you ready to like him back and start a relationship? For now you can only wonder sontake this quiz to find out.

Created by: Sam

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you catch him starring at you?
  2. Has he ever touched you?
  3. Is he cute?
  4. Does he make you laugh
  5. Is his favorite sport the same as yours?
  6. R u in the same group?(popular nerds etc.)
  7. How often is he around you?
  8. Would you go out with him if he asked you?
  9. Would you kiss him?
  10. Does he know u like him
  11. Do any of your friends like him too

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