Does he like you?

Have you been wondering if a certain guy's crushing on you? Find out now. Why wait another second? Take this quiz and learn if your crush has feelings for you!

Have you been wondering if a certain guy's crushing on you? Find out now. Why wait another second? Take this quiz and learn if your crush has feelings for you!

Created by: Abby101

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you ever catch him looking at you/smiling at you?
  2. Has he ever texted you or asked for your number?
  3. Does he ask caring questions? EX: You okay, What's wrong, Need some help?
  4. Has he ever done something out of his way to see you?
  5. Do you guys play any of the same sports?
  6. Does he bring you gifts on your birthday and holidays?
  7. How long have you guys known each other?
  8. Are you over weight?
  9. What's your best feature?
  10. What color hair does he have?

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