Does He Like You?

Whether he's your crush, you're best friend, or the guy that you wish would only like you as a friend, this is a great way to tell if he likes you or not.

This quiz is probably highly inaccurate. Please do not take the results too seriously, but it should help you get an idea. I hope you have fun taking the quiz!

Created by: alliekelsey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often does he text you?
  2. Do you consider him your friend?
  3. Do you like him?
  4. Does he try to make you laugh?
  5. Do you know who he likes? If so,is it you?
  6. Do you guys have any inside jokes?
  7. Does he ever talk about you to your friends?
  8. Do you ever find yourselves doing the same thing?
  9. Does he know you like him?
  10. Do you want him to like you?

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