Does he like you?

Do you think he's the one and only guy for you? You can find out in this quiz whether he's intrested in you as much as you are in him! Go on give it a go!

All it is, is some simple questions to see if he either Doesn't know you, Just your friend or if he sooo likes you! It doesn't do any harm so just pick your guy and try it out!

Created by: jennifer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When he see's you he:
  2. You catch him looking at you in class/work does he...
  3. When he texts you he says...
  4. Do you think he likes you...
  5. What does he think of you?
  6. You fall over he...
  7. You bump into him he...
  8. His eyes are...
  9. His hair is...
  10. He is honestly a...
  11. You like him for his...

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