does he like you?

"does he like you? does he just want to be friends? does he hate your guts? does he even know you? TAKE THIS FREE QUIZ & FIND OUT! will you ever know the truth?

DOES HE LIKE YOU? YOU WILL NEVER EVER KNOW! how would you know if he likes you unless you take this quiz! its fun and easy and FREE!! have fun taking this quiz!

Created by: Katie K
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you go to the same school?
  2. Does he text you often?
  3. does he mess around with you like wrestling, punching, but not to hurt you
  4. does he wear cologne around you?
  5. does he live by you?
  6. does he like to hold you phone?
  7. did he ask for your number or did you ask for his?
  8. does he talk or hang out with you?
  9. if you got hurt would he care?
  10. he is ___ & you are ___

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