Does He like you?

Doeshe like you, is a quesion on alot of girls minds. and that is all I am going to say. The rest will be nonsense so you dont have to read it. ok, here I go.

Omg! A quiz. Ooh, I like quizes. Oh, its about boys. Ok, I might as well take it. Ok, here I go. The answer is no to everything. Haha, that was fun. Cool. (All of this was you while taking this quiz)

Created by: Cheyenne

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he start up conversations at random times, about random things?
  2. Does he ever touch you?(Hair, arm, Leg, hand etc.)
  3. Do you ever catch him staring at you?
  4. Does he flirt with other girls around, But stops whe you leave the room?(Have a friend check for you if you ahve to)
  5. Has he ever given you a present on a holiday or at random times?
  6. (No effect) Would you email me for more questions about boys? [no emails]
  7. (No effect) Do you like this quiz, and beleive it is accurrate?
  8. (no effect) have you made a gotoquiz about boys before?
  9. (no effect)do you think I am weird?
  10. Are you excited that the quiz is almost done?

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