Does he like you?

Do you know if your crush likes you back? Well, in this quiz you will find out. I wanted to do this quiz because sometimes you don't know about these things. With this quiz, you don't need to embarrass yourself.

I want to tell you this is 100% accurate, but is only 99% accurate. If your situation is too complex like mine,then this might not work. My situation is the most complex of all. I just have to ask him myself.

Created by: Harley Quinn
  1. Does he lick/bite his lips when he sees you?
  2. Does he stare at you
  3. Who starts the conversation?
  4. Did anyone ever tell you he liked you?
  5. Does his friends act strange around you?
  6. Does he act nerdy/weird/strange around you?
  7. Did he ever kiss you?
  8. Does he have another girlfriend?
  9. Does anyone else like him?
  10. Do you think he likes you?

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