Does He Like You?

Does he like you? Do you like him? Well, the matches may or may not eat, but either way, does je like you, love you, or is he even interested? Well, now you can find out!

Many people tackle themselves over whether someone likes them or not.... So, does he? Or does he not? Well, maybe he does or maybe he doesn't. Find out!

Created by: savethewolves22
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Has he ever helped you, like, pick up your books or something?
  2. Has he ever asked you out?
  3. Is he dating at the time?
  4. What does he say when he walks by you?
  5. Did or does or has he ever gotten you a gift? (For Valentine's Day, Christmas, your BirthDay, etc.)
  6. Do you catch him looking at you?
  7. Where do you get to see each other?
  8. What color hair does HE have?
  9. What color eyes does HE have?
  10. Do you have the same colored eyes?

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