does he like you?

there are many girls out there just dying to know if their crush likes them. love at a young age can be interesting, but confusing, and sometimes love can be fake

does your crush like you? take this short quiz and find out. then you will know for sure if he likes you. if he does, good luck. and if he doesn't, oh well, guys are a dime a dozen. (there are million more guys to choose from)

Created by: jaclyn of
(your link here more info)
  1. does he look at you often?
  2. does he crack jokes to make you laugh?
  3. does he laugh at your jokes?
  4. how does he confront you?
  5. do his friends tease him around you?
  6. what does he do when you talk to him?
  7. off topic question- do you like icecream? (=
  8. does he groom himself around you?
  9. CHEESE!
  10. how old is he?
  11. does he blush when he talks to you?

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