Does He Like You?

Have you ever wondered if a boy likes you. He could be your crush, your enemy, or even someone you don't know very well!!!! take this quiz to find out if he does!!!

it doesn't matter if your young or old, this quiz will work for everyone! i hope you like it and you get the result that you wanted!!!!!!! :0 :) ;0

Created by: elise
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you see him somewhere, does he smile at you
  2. Does he look you in the eyes when he talks to you?
  3. Do his friends like you?
  4. Has he ever complimented you???
  5. How often does he call and text you?
  6. If he compliments you, what does he compliment you on?
  7. Is he in a relationship with anyone else right now?
  8. Do you think he likes you? Be honest...
  9. Does he joke around with you or tease you?
  10. Have you ever kissed/ touched/ hugged him?

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