Does He Like You ?

many of peoples crushes actually like them back see if your crush likes you back by taking this quiz or even maybe just a friend ! you truly think he likes you?

want to see if he really like to then take the scores and you'll probably find out he may like you there's only one way to find out always talk to him and take this quiz !

Created by: taylor Rae dietz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do You Guys Talk ?
  2. you offer to hang out sometime he says ...
  3. does he stare at you ?
  4. if you guys talk what is it usually about ?
  5. has he ever followed / tried to catch up with you
  6. is he a player ?
  7. does he have a girlfriend ?
  8. are you guys friends ?
  9. do you share interests ?
  10. do you honestly think he likes you ?

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