Does he like me? Quiz

click the answer that you think is true. I will tell u if he likes you! Be honest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be honest! is he cute does he like you?:)9999''n kwcc

At the end of the quiz I will tell you if he likes you or not. Have fun!!!!!hi guys this was so cool:);) Pls click on this quiz to save my life@@2222654

Created by: Rachel
  1. Does he stare at you?
  2. How did you meet?
  3. How long have you known him for?
  4. Are you guys friends?
  5. Is he in your league?
  6. Do your friends think he likes you?
  7. Do you think he likes you?
  8. Does he smile at you?
  9. Do you like him?
  10. Is he cute?

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