Does he like me or not

He may like you, but he might not. How do I know 4 sure? Take my quiz and you will find out. You will finally find out the truth. Take the quiz and get some advice on what to do with your crush.

Are you a perfect match for each other? Does he like u? Until today that question has been being asked through your mind over and over. Thanks to my quiz in a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: Savannah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does he do when you look at him ?
  2. Does he ever talk to u?
  3. What does he do when you feel embarresed?
  4. Does he ever try to make u LOL ?
  5. Does he remember your birthday
  6. Does he like to touch u
  7. Does he keep in touch when he is away?
  8. Does he ever talk to his ex?
  9. What does he do around his ex
  10. Does he avoid you?
  11. Did he ever hit on another girl?

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