Does he like me/girls only/middle school

You will find out if he likes you with this 10 question is easy and hopefully helpful I hope you learn alot from taking this quiz and.boy drama is my middle name.

Answer the simple questions and get your answer if you don't like this quiz let me know and if you do like it I'll be making more soon.i hope you enjoy.

Created by: Alayna65
  1. Does he talk to you
  2. Does he look at you...
  3. Do you catch him talking about you
  4. To you interact with one another
  5. Does he make jokes when your around
  6. Are you guys kinda friends
  7. Does He call you by your first name or nickname.
  8. Do you like him
  9. Does he have a bad already
  10. Have you ever dated him.was the relation good

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