Does He Like Me At All?

There are many guys out there that you can like.... but only one that you like RIGHT NOW. He might love you, like you, or not like you at all. If your a guy, avoid this quiz.

Does HE love you, like you, or hate you? Does this guy your talking about watch you walk away, or text you first? Thanks to this awesome quiz, in only a few minutes YOU GIRLS WILL FIND OUT! :)

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is he usually the first one to text you?
  2. How long did it take him to give you his number
  3. Does he watch you all the time?
  4. Does he come up and talk to you?
  5. Does he come over to your house to talk with you?
  6. Is he your friend/best friend?
  7. Does He Talk About You Behind Your Back?
  8. Do you think this quiz is stupid?
  9. Is He Hot/Cute?
  10. Would You Rather Be Spending Time With Your Crush Than Taking This Quiz?
  11. Are You Ready To Find Out If He Likes You Or Not?

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