Does he like me?

This test tells you if the guy you like likes you. It tells the truth about relationships if they're meant to be or if you should stay friends. Take it if you're wondering about your love life :)

when you love someone you would spend your last breath saying, "I love you!" Take this test if you want to know if he feels these me way. Take it if your wondering if he likes or loves you ;)

Created by: Kema

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does he look at you?
  2. Do you look at him?
  3. Does he smile at you?
  4. Does he talk to you?
  5. Has he asked you out or to hangout?
  6. Do you like talking to him?
  7. Is he hot/cute?
  8. Does he act like he likes you?
  9. What is his age?
  10. Do you like him?

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