Does he like me

Know if the persons love likes u back u never know if he likes you be yourself but remember all boys are very different and shy so if u like this quiz plz comment below thanks

Do u love someone but don't know if he likes you back take this quiz and see how much he loves you find out if u should ask him out but if ur score isn't so good cheer up

Created by: Liz medina

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. He tries to touch u in many ways like he tries to tickle u
  2. Does he try to act cool around u like show off how strong he is??
  3. Does he treat u different from other girls ??
  4. Does he ever stare at u in class ??
  5. U always see him around u
  6. U have caught him talking about u to his friends
  7. He makes u jeoules
  8. He tries to help u when he can
  9. He tries to make eye contact with u
  10. Yay u have completed the test how confident r u he likes u??

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