Does He Like Me?

This quiz was designed to help girls that are having trouble determining whether the guy they like, likes them back.

Take the quiz and answer questions about the behaviour of their guy when he is interacting with them how he behaves to the girls in general.

Created by: Kate

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  1. Do you catch him staring at you?
  2. Does he ever offer to help you or ask to you specifically to help him?
  3. Do you think he notices you?
  4. Does he text you?
  5. Does he act funny around you?
  6. Does he laugh even when your jokes aren't great?
  7. Does he tell you the truth?
  8. Does he tell you the truth?
  9. Does he tell you the truth?
  10. Can he have a conversation with you?
  11. Do his friends tell you that he likes you?
  12. Has he asked you out before/got someone to ask you out for him/someone told you that he was going to ask you out?

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