Does he crush on you? Or is it a joke?

Many girls think that the guy at school is crushing on them... but are they? it could be a joke because I went through it... turns out he was dared...

Is he in love with you? is it a joke? take the quiz! find out if your crush fancy's you... or if he thinks your blech... or... just wants to be friends.

Created by: Emily Eve
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. has he ever felt u?(e.g. twirled ur hair, arm over ur shoulder)
  2. has he ever said he loved u?
  3. has he ever tried to kiss u?
  4. does he like to sit with u at lunch or in class?
  5. does he like to sit with u at lunch or in class?
  6. has he ever held ur hand?
  7. (ok, so this is really big!!!) do u think he likes u?
  8. he is______ you are______?
  9. He is____ years____?
  10. how long have u been friends?
  11. How did u like the quiz?(doesn't effect score)

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