Does Gripen find you cool?

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Hello mate you have found this quiz. Have fun answering the questions. I best hope you don't submit fake answers that doesn't apply to you. If you think you're honest, go ahead and have fun solving the quiz!

Basically you pick one of the existing options and based on your picks, the system or whatever evaluates your score, that'll show you if you get along with Gripen or not.

Created by: Gripen
  1. What does Gripen like the most?
  2. What do you think of "Skibidi Toilet" "Ohio" "Rizz" "Sigma" "Alpha" "Beta"?
  3. What game does Gripen like to play?
  4. What food does Gripen ABSOLUTELY HATE?
  5. What else does Gripen like?
  6. Does Gripen swear a lot?
  7. Why does Gripen like Azur Lane?
  8. Why does Gripen like World of Warships
  9. Why does Gripen like Roblox?
  10. Do you like Gripen?

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