Does Freddy or Vanny like you more?

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In this quiz you'll find whether Vanny or Glamrock Freddy likes you more! I'll ask you questions, from your favroite hobbie to your kind of style! There will also be some roleplay questions for you role-players

I love FNAF: Secruity Breach, and was bored, and then i thought; hey, why dont i make a quiz to see if i'm more like Glamrock Freddy or Vanny? And thats how this quiz was created.

Created by: TheFnafFans
  1. What color do you like more?
  2. Whats your favorite hobbie?
  3. Sweet or sour?
  4. What's your favorite animal(out of these)?
  5. Whats your style?
  6. Time for some roleplay!(No effect)
  7. Your parents brought you to your favorite place, the Mega Pizzaplex! Where do you go first?
  8. You see a bunny with white ears poke her head out from the room marked 'Secruity'. She waves you to her. What do you do?
  9. *this question is for if you followed her. if you didint, click 'i dident'* You follow her and she pulls out a sharp silver knife with red stains. What do you do?
  10. *If you followed her* She grins and stabs you.(no effect)
  11. *if* You tell your parents, and they call the police. The police come and take the rabbit away!

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