Doctor Who Matt Smith-David Tennat

Take the quiz. And watch the show. If you can take the quiz you are cool, it really dosent matter about if you pass. its about to become a fan! dont try to win! be inspired!

Can you pass the quiz. A famous sy-fy show that is brittish? too much brittish? you should watch the show in order to pass. or else your a non-science lover!

Created by: Brennen
  1. What is the doctors most evil nemisis?
  2. What is the doctors most akward moment?
  3. Who is the doctors wife?
  4. Who is Amy Pond's Husband?
  5. Who is also a timelord?
  6. How many doctors have passed by?
  7. What is the 9th Doctors name?
  8. Who is the smartest doctor?
  9. Who is the doctors companion right now?
  10. Which doctor was in more seasons?
  11. How old is the doctor?
  12. What is The Doctors name?

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